
Mallards Meet Info

Good morning Mighty Mallards!  

Please plan on arriving by no later than 4:45 this afternoon so our team can swim some practice laps and the coaches can check in with the early racers.  To find out which races your swimmer will be participating in you can download the swimtopia app.  This evening's "Heat Sheet" is already posted.  

Parking is limited at this pool so be prepared to park in the surrounding neighborhood.  

Plan to cheer on your Mallards and Ducklings!  It is totally fine to get poolside and cheer like a maniac so long as you don't obstruct any judges or timers.  Goooo Mallards!!

Finally, now that we're in full swing with two meets a week we will no longer hold practice on the morning of a meet.  

Thanks for all your support and we'll see you tonight!  If you are scheduled to volunteer this evening and you have any questions feel free to check in with me directly (209) 373-0402 text or call.

Amanda VanZwaluwenburg

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